Alzheimer's: Losing my dad

Last year, I offered to co-create a song with my mom on the topic of her choosing. She chose for us to make a song for the many new friends she had found through her Alzheimer's support group. She saw this song as a chance to give voice to what it feels like to deal with such profound losses, day after day, and to keep seeking and savoring the spark and the connection, all the way along.

Dedicated to Alzheimer's Caregivers Everywhere
These days are not like all the others
You’re over there and you’ve forgotten almost all of
What we had and what we said and what we did
And I’m left holding all the bits
And you’re adrift and I’m adrift
I try to make things feel familiar
I sit there by your side and tell you all the news
About the people you once knew and we make the
Sounds we used to make
Same cadence; same pace
And you don’t know what it means
We’re still talking but I’m watching you recede
And then of the blue I see some little glimpse of you
The essence of the man I’ve always known
And then out of the blue I feel my own heart wake up too
It seems I only know the deepest part of me
In fleeting moments like these when I can see
The rare sweet sweetness of you
These days are not like all the others
I know you’re fading as I’m watching and I’m waiting
Yes I’m standing on the shore that we once shared
Growing stronger, growing sadder, growing scared
But I keep speaking because we both
Remember the sounds of the language
Of our love
Forever out of the blue I will hold memories of you
The essence the man I’ve always known
I will carry the truth of the love I have for you
Wherever, wherever I go
I am filled with all I know
Of loving you

We did a song interview where I moved, conversationally, very gently, at his new "Alzheimer's speed," even if it sometimes involved repetitions or confusions. What emerged was quite incredible. I was amazed to discover how very much he remembered about my parents' early courtship years, in particular. "I loved her at first sight" he told me. I had never heard this before, and it became the opening line of the song. Too, he was keenly aware of how very much my mom was doing to take care of him, and wanted to be sure she knew it. I took careful notes and tried to catch his words exactly - to fit them into something unique to him, specifically for my mom. A few months later, when I returned with this simple recording of the song, my dad was no longer able to remember that we were working on a project together, that he had sat for this song interview, or what it was he might have said. But when I played the recording for him be burst into sobs. "This is me!" he said, with tears streaming down his cheeks. "I said these things! This is exactly what I want to say to your mother!"
For Colleen at Christmas, 2013, with Love From Bill
I loved you at first sight
And I have loved you ever since
And I will love you for the rest of my life
I love the way you love me
To me, you are love
The way you make your place beside me for us
And you have always
Walked in Beauty
That is what I see
You have always
Walked in Beauty
And you are so beautiful to me
I love the way you look out for others
And the way they turn to you
I know what that feels like, through and through
And I love the way you give and give to me
Especially of late
And I will love you for the rest of my life
Every day
Every day
And you have always
Walked in Beauty
That is what I see
You have always
Walked in Beauty
And you are so beautiful to me
Can you see? What a blessing
Can you see? Such a blessing
Can you see
How beautiful you are to me...
The night my dad died, there was a gigantic full moon, we had all just been in the room with him, and his physical state clearly demonstrated that it was time. Even so, I was unprepared for the utter SLAM to my system that I felt about ten minutes after he was gone. The room began to spin and I felt like I was literally coming unhinged. I felt shaky and weak - completely unmoored - like every single cell in my body was desperately trying to reconcile the reality of what I had clearly seen coming for months and even years. His presence had suddenly, irrevocably, become an absence.

May it remain.
Anna Huckabee Tull is an Award-Winning Singer-Songwriter, a longtime Life Coach, and the author of the upcoming 2017 book Living the Deeper YES. She has one of the coolest jobs on the planet, creating original songs of love, loss, birth, growth, and celebration for individuals all over the US - and the world - who feel called to commission and co-create a song. Anna lives in the woods of Concord, Mass with her supportive and dashing husband and her two lively and creative teenage boys. She performs monthly in a psych ward lockdown unit and teaches guitar to prison inmates.