"Finding My Way On the Path" - Free Download |
This is a Song of the Month write-up of
Because this month, I have embarked on a daring adventure.
It's kinda big.
I have comitted to writing 1700 words every day, all month long, to create a rough draft of a book.
Because I think I might have a book in me, and I want to find out.
Because I am ready to try something that makes me feel scared and excited.
Because doing it is giving me a feeling of waking up all over again.
Because I am stepping out of the way I know of doing things, and into the unknown.
Because I am finding my way on a new path, anew!
I am sending out this song--one of the very first I ever wrote--to you, for your journey,
wherever it is taking you.
And I am sending it out to me,
to fortify my trip, as well.
Here's to your path and mine.
I am so glad they intersect!!
It's kinda big.
I have comitted to writing 1700 words every day, all month long, to create a rough draft of a book.
Because I think I might have a book in me, and I want to find out.
Because I am ready to try something that makes me feel scared and excited.
Because doing it is giving me a feeling of waking up all over again.
Because I am stepping out of the way I know of doing things, and into the unknown.
Because I am finding my way on a new path, anew!
I am sending out this song--one of the very first I ever wrote--to you, for your journey,
wherever it is taking you.
And I am sending it out to me,
to fortify my trip, as well.
Here's to your path and mine.
I am so glad they intersect!!
Two steps forward,
one step back
Two steps forward on the path
I am finding my way on the path...
Feel the wind change
on my back
Change the course and stay the path
I am finding my way on the path...
Hear the question,
clear the path
Here's the question, here's the task
I am finding my way on the path...
One foot, one foot
One foot down
One foot, one foot
One foot on the ground
One foot in the air
Rising now
Feel it there...
Dare to mention,
dare to ask
Tear the fence down from the path
I am finding my way on the path...
Trust the muscles
to pull me back
Trust the muscles on the path
I am finding my way on the path...
Feel it loosen
Feel it flow
Feel the truth of what I know
I am finding my way on the path...
© 1997 Anna Huckabee Tull, CustomCraftedSongs.com, Nothing Like Music, ASCAP