"I Have a Choice" - Free Download |
Anna Huckabee Tull
I have a choice
I have a choice
To take a moment ordinary
And let it be extraordinary
I have a choice
I have a choice
I can embrace a moment ordinary
Care enough to be extraordinary
Dare to let my actions be my voice
I have a choice
And if you walk up to me I will see all there is to see
I will look beyond the surface ‘till I feel a larger purpose
Move within me,
Growing in me
Something’s beginning and it’s BIG
So roll out that carpet ‘cause the
Whole wide world comes down to you and me
And let’s get started
‘Cause I want to tell you all the things I see
There within you
As you begin to
Open up to what’s here for you and me
I could treat you any way, but the way I choose today
Might surprise you; just might delight you
And I thought about it hard, about what makes you such a star
And why I like you, ‘cause I really like you
And I don’t have to, but I do
‘Cause I have a choice, I have a choice
I have a choice, I have a choice
To take a moment ordinary
And let it be an extraordinary
To take a moment ordinary
And let it be an extraordinary
I have a choice, I have a voice, I have a choice
And when all is said and done, I made that choice this way
‘Cause it was fun
© 2008 Donna Cutting, Donna Cutting Presents
Written and Recorded by Anna Huckabee Tull, CustomCraftedSongs.com

The Book: "The Celebrity Experience: Insider Secrets to Delivering Red Carpet Customer Service"
So...you just never know what's going to happen around here when the phone rings. This time it was Donna Cutting, who had just written a book, and was traveling all over the country giving motivational speeches to share her perspective. Donna had the brainstorm that it would be great to bring the book's message to life through song, and then sing it herself, in front of live audiences all over the US, as part of her presentation. Book into song? Hmmmm. This was definitely a new one. But there was something about Donna that was irresistible to me. So I asked her to send me the book, which she did. I brought it along on a family vacation, thinking maybe I would skim it. HA! I ended up devouring every word, and then scribbling all kinds of great ideas for my own business on the blank pages at the back of the book. This happens to me every once in awhile. I read a book and practically start panting. Jim looked over at me sideways but kept on driving. I panted and read and scribbled and forgot to ask for gas station bathroom stops. Donna's book is all about studying the way celebrities are treated on the red carpet and then translating those practices into amazing customer service. But really?--to me, sitting in that car?--REALLY what this book is about in my mind is the incredible potential and power and joy that lies in every single moment--just winking there, waiting to be turned into the miracle that it really is. I eat this kind of stuff for breakfast. I started putting the concepts to practice the very next day when someone new called for a song. I found myself listening on a whole new level. I found myself reaching out differently. I found myself letting go of expectations and taking the ride with another human being at a whole new level of connection. BOOM--it really changed everything.

Donna, and her book, and her speaking engagements, and her live singing of "I Have a Choice," are all moving forward at a million miles a minute. The book is a great success, the speaking engagements have her all over the country, and maybe the coolest thing about all of that, aside from the fact that success is nice and it's good to be wanted, is that Donna really is the embodiment of what she teaches. She had a way of making ME feel special, even though it was her we were supposed to be focusing on. Maybe all of us can take a page from Donna's book. When we really see the person in front of us for all that they are and all the potential they have inside them, the possibilities open up wide and clear.

- The INSPIRATION for this song came directly from Donna Cutting, who also now holds the copyright (c) 2009 Donna Cutting, Donna Cutting Presents
- The WORDS AND MUSIC were created and recorded by Anna Huckabee Tull.
- The MUSIC VIDEO was created by Anne Tull (no, not Anna Tull, but Anne Tull--my wonderful friend and sister-in-law. DIdn't she do a bang up job!?)
- GUITARS were played by Eric Kilburn at Wellspring Sound
- KEYBOARDS + PERCUSSION are all thanks to Larry Luddecke at Straight Up Music
Read Anna's Book Review