"This Town" - Free Download |
TOPIC: A Love Song to MY Husband Dear Jim Tull, Love of My Life, I have never known anyone in whose presence I feel the way I feel with you. I feel like a stronger, sweeter, braver, more creative version of me, because of our connection, because of your steadily-flowing love, and because of what I have discovered is possible, when you wrap your arms around me and I open my heart. As you will likely well remember, I wrote this song for you, and for us, all the way back in 2000. Fourteen years later, who would have guessed that our life would be even sweeter, our shared bounty even greater, and our love even deeper? My heart is open, more than ever before, and I am yours. With love, Your Wife, Anna, 2-14-2014
TOPIC: Bride & groom to those gathered (Anna's wedding song)
TOPIC: Standing in the Balance of Deep Love: Husband and New Baby
TOPIC: Boy's Trip to NYC
TOPIC: Goodbye to babysitter; Thank you to childcare provider
TOPIC: Song to a Future Baby
TOPIC: Having a little fun with fretting
TOPIC: Father/daughter dance
TOPIC: Some Things Just Don't Translate...
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